Sold Out
Burley Refurbs 2
69 Beechwood View, Leeds




10 mos



UOWN are raising £160,000 from the crowd for the refurbishment and fit-out of three properties. These two-bedroom properties will have basement refurbishments to increase the number of bedrooms, as well as renovations of the upper floors. The properties are planned to be sold to the owner-occupier market.

This project will pay a 12% per annum return, and this will be rolled up and paid upon completion. We expect the project to take ten months - resulting in a 10% return. Building works will start in July 2022 and are expected to last four months, after which we have allowed a further six months to sell the properties. The diversified nature of this investment spreads the risk and mitigates against lower returns.

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UOWN is a trading name of U Own Exchange Limited. UOWN, 3rd Floor, Northgate, 118 North Street, Leeds, LS2 7PN

House prices can fall as well as rise and you may not get back all of the money you invest. Rates of return quoted on our website are estimates only and are not guaranteed. Investments are not protected under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

For more details please see our in-depth risk statement.